Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 18

This chapter definitely saw a lot of transformation in many of the characters in the novel, particularly Isidore. It was action packed and strangely overwhelming. The three remaining andys are trying really hard to get into the mind and emotions of Isidore, to manipulate him, as they find some sick 'pleasure' out of 'controlling life' and need to use Iz to help them fool Rick. Only, as soon as Iz sees what they will do to mutilate the spider he found, he is overwhelmed with powerful rage and sickening disgust. Pris, especially, displays the utter and twisted fascination with the dwindling, beating life.

In 18, Dick also hints at manipulated situations and thoughts/memories, even implanted... Mercer, we find, is but a hoax, unnatrual and faded in this future. But as long as people believe in his ideas, he will exsit in/of them. Much reflection and referencing to postmodern philosophical ideas. Postmodern philosophy is particularly skeptical about simple binary oppositions characteristic of structuralism, specifically in the problem of the philosopher clearly distinguishing knowledge from ignorance, social progress from reversion, dominance from submission, and presence from absence. Again, seen in with hoax of Mercer.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Chapters 15, 16 & little bit of 17

OHMYGOD!!!!!!!! Rachel got raunchy!

Besides that, there is a lot to take in, in these two chapters. Rick is finally starting to piece everything together and ask for help in the pursuit of the Nexus-6s demise. I still detest Roy Baty, he can die first. The way he manipulates and infects the other androids and J.R. is numbingly grotesque. Rick does finally buy himself a goat, a female Black Nubian! He values it more than anything, I must agree with Ms.Rosen, putting 'Euphemia' first, then Iran, and finally...well, we all know what happens in that hotel room.

I don't exactly know how I want to take that either. I mean, technically, is isn't 'cheating' per-say because, technically, she isn't a real human. The fact of the matter is, however, that he wanted it because he felt attracted to Rachel and she used that knowledge as leverage (and that's highly fascinating/scandalous)

The entire 'fusing' through the Empathy box, with Mercer and the others that have connected to their emotionally dank cube, stirs an unsettled, perturbed anxiety in me in chapter 15. Iran mostly feeds off of these strange, distant ‘feelings’ pretending to derive some sort of enlightened pleasure from it, which then continuously fuels her depressive state of not being able to make herself feel anything. She’s dependant on the box to some extent, hating it all the more. “Apathy, because you’ve lost a sense of worth.” I’m glad that Rick doesn’t like to fuse, but when he does, he realizes that Mercer is simply a ‘mind-control’ “old man climbing a hill to his death.” He then says that he can not learn anything from Mercer and no longer derives any feeling from the box, if anything, annoyance. Tsufi is the worship of spirituality and life in animalistic forms. The life forms here, have been corrupted. So Rachel, (duh-dun-na!) is coming to the ‘rescue’?

16 and 17 get heated! I’m aghast at the concept of, one, an android being intoxicated and two, Rick’s humanity getting the ‘better’ of the advice and experiences he has been given (fickle pickle). Of course Rachel had this little scheme going! She’s an android with no empathy, least we forget. She can not feel the ‘rush’ of emotion a human can, but manipulating it through her extensive psychological studies of both humans and androids alike gives her the step up on Rick. Tricky Tricky! He should have killed her, I think. Once he possessed the emergency safety thingamajig…“bow-chicka-bowowwn!” Oh, and what is with Dick's last line of the chapter in 17: "Her victory over him." I don't think he had any sexist views, but the way that line is delivered hints at womens ulterior motifs, and 'dubious morals'? Why did she really wanna sleep with him in the first place? I dont know if I fully except the story she tells Rick, although I'm sure it's true (what, with Phil Lecsh and the rest)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chapters 13&14

Isidore is the most reliable, 'real' character in this novel and I love him! He goes to Pris to make dinner for her, of course not knowing how little she can truly appreciate it, then revels about the ideology of Mercerism. We see something in Isidore that not many humans in this new world present, hope. Its interesting that Pris is talking about bounty hunters as slayers of life, really, and that J.R. (more than believing) trusts, although he has never heard of these 'bounty hunters.' He claims that all forms of life are protected to the utmost by the govornment and is agast at the idea of someone having a real job like this. Heres where the second parallelism starts. The doubling of 'worlds' of life forms? Then theres the question of a possible thriving false life, cursed life? Question, does it rain or snow in this world? Any sort of weather, apart from dust. Theres a knock on the door...

Funny how Pris calls herself and her androidian friends "psychotic" (and voices this idea of anx) and in chapter 13 Isidore thinks, avadly, that she must be. He seems to have a lot of 'spurts' of realization and enlightened 'visions' in these two chapters as well, reminding me of 'the Rainman'. I dunno about that Roy andy, he seems like the toughest of 'em, with that hint of super-strength and his 'leadership' and disconcern for the other Nexus-6's. Irmgard, on the other hand seems like a sensational andy, pleasant even, with conviction and, my god, a whisp of empathy?!? Oh, and I loved the flare of Bradburyism, with the whole "We're told-- the TV tells us" thing. Points to Dick.

Chapters 11&12

So Garland was pretty much prepared for what was coming to him. Finally, being retired, and 'reveling' that Resch is an android.(??) His entire story of he and the other escaped Nexus-6's to Earth is highly helpful, in the long run, to Rick, who still doesn't know exactly how many are left or where they might be hiding. Are androids really made to 'serve humanity'? created for men, by men...they're very good at getting into the 'heads' and deep emotions of humans, do they think them feeble? Or do they really feel discriminated against because they are artificial? They can surly strategize, though, giving them some start on (at least the chickenheads) blind-sighted humans.
I'm starting to really like Resch, almost in the 'John Isidore' way of his character. The fact that he has a real pet squirrel makes me sway to his humanistic qualities, and potential mortality. I just hope Rick isnt setting himself up for anything he can't handle.

"The Scream" has profoundly imprinted my mind as Resch described how an android must feel, in chapter 12. Luba "end's tomorrow," and feels as though she never started. The dynamics of different types of 'androids' gets deeper and deeper throughout chapter 12 delving into personality traits and feelings. I still don't really know if androids are able to sleep, eat, die by way of time or decay, or, could they commit suicide? Luba really did seem as though she was simply trying to hide/fit in and keep her supposed 'passion' for the arts in the public eye. (giving back? entertaining...) I also thought it was interesting that Rick showed Luba a bit of empathy, himself, before she was retired, by complying to her last requests. I'm also intrigued by Rick's 'new test ideas and questions' to incorporate into his VK test. Oh, and i change my mind about Resch...he's a scum bag of the future. Doing, simply what he 'needs' to get by.

Chapter 10

I'm going to deem this the most paranoid chapter yet! I found myself as anxious as Rick must have felt, and I'm sure Dick's playing with the readers here and having a lot of fun with it. "Postmodern" architecture also shows Dick's ideas throughout this chapter and references back to the androids interests in baroque style and pre-colonial ideals.
I honestly started to believe that maybe, in the new world 'androids' are more diverse and widely spread than anyone had imagined or been presented (textually) with thus far. It's scary to think that the androids are banning together to 'take out', essentially, Rick Deckard and Bounty Hunters alike. Then again, it is, to them, considered a form of 'murder.' perhaps even a 'kippelization' of creative 'life.' Rick should realize his own 'programmed' feelings/emotions (such as Rachel and Luba have suggested) more prevalently. Is Resch an android (he seems really nice/trained)??? I think they're all in cahoots.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chapter 9

This chapter really focuses on the ability to empathise, both in humans and in andy's. Rick finds Luba Luft rehearsing at the Opera for a role in Mozart's The Magic Flute and how captivated he finds himself with her abilities of vocal persuasion. Focusing on the androids ability to have/understand some human emotions and perhaps hold some sense of compassion? Deckard finds himself attracted, in a way, to this humanoid robot, Luba, and can't seem to shake it, which is why I think he let himself slip in the act of 'retiring' her.
We're also introduced to an android of 'power' who takes Rick, under arrest, to the "new Hall of Justice" leaving us to wonder the entire presence of humans to androids in the radiation-ridden new world.

Chapter 8

So, wow! Everything in this chapter happened entirely too quickly for me to quite believe it all. Firstly, with the 'retiring' of Polokov, all of the elaborated information on Luba Luft and not to mention the proposed 'help' from none other than Rachael Rosen her- (androidic) self. The fact that humans ultimately cant tell when an android is amongst them, tells us why it's so 'easy' for Polokov to pose as a 'special anthead.' It's all very surreal and creepy, I find. That an andy can learn how to addapt at such a level and, in Rachael's case, offer help and or advice to a human, is unfathomable in the world that I live in today.
This also makes me question the intricacies of the Rosen association. I still can't figure out whether or not I want to 'trust' them or their work (no matter how much 'creation' they are instilling on the new world). I almost feel like Rachael is up to something satirical, perhaps even seeing to the plan of Deckard's demise herself, in trying to accompany him to question the other Nexus-6's. Which then differs me back to when Rick stated his (almost) attraction to some andy's and, in that, making his first mistake as a professional and a remaining human. Is a mass-extinction in store for all basic life forms? Are the androids already in power and planning a siege of 'life'? These things are getting 'smart', even becoming more human-like by the day and starting to organize, is what I'm thinking right now. Some sort of reordered hierarchy. Conditioning in the form of replacement. Paranoid? Perhaps...(made)For 'man', by man...I mean, potentially, 'we' did create it.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Chapter 7

This chapter completed my love for J.R. Isodore! He is basically one of the cutest, most 'pure' characters we've been presented with thus far and I absolutely dote on his ignorance. He really didn't know that it was a real cat

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 really delves further into the ideas of Mercerism and explaining the Empathy Box, which, to me, sounds entirely too inhuman and (I'd even venture to say) chillingly horrifying. Isidore takes the house-warming-gift to 'Pris Stratton' and explains the idea of 'kipple' to her and how he believes that the "entire universe is moving toward a final state of total, absolute kippleization." This really highlights the unfair prejudices put on the 'chickenheads' left on Earth. J.R. now believes that he does not have the same equalities of the regulars or even the androids, simply because that is what he's told (and perhaps a bit because he's deformed by the radiation). There is much discussion of 'entropy' throughout this chapter as well, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Toward the end of the chapter, I honestly began to think that perhaps Rachael Rowson and Pris were the same person trying to hide under a sur-name, then thought that Pris was a Nexus-6 simply trying to fool a 'fool' when her plan was foiled by the popular name she gave.


We should definitely watch Galactika or Back to The Future!!!

Chapter 5

Is there really a 'normal' response that Rick and other bounty hunters are looking for, to the questions possed by the Voigt-Kamff test?
Why is it in the interest of the Rosen Corporation to prove that the Voigt-Kampff test is invalid?

The emphasis of 'pathos'...

Chapter 4

These are only some of the questions that I possed while reading the first few chapters of Blade Runner...

1. Why is Rick Deckard in so much more of a good mood than his wife? And why does he think it's such a problem?

2. Who (or what?), exactly, is Buster Friendly and his so-called "news team?"

3. Is Dick making a notion of America's imphasis, even dependence, on media culture?

4. How many 'humans' are actually left? Is it all that 'crowded?'

5. Who started 'the WAR' and why was it fought in the first place?

Note: I did think it highly fascinating that our protagonist, Rick Deckard, owns (and seems very intrigued by) an Electric Sheep of his very own while opposing the growth and production of androids. Then, to further intensify his opposition, he has an epiphany about how similar his electric sheep (and all foe-animals in general) are, in sense, androids themselves with no 'expression'.